Hello, and welcome to my site!
My name is Marcin, born 5th of January 1998 in the slavic fairy land known as Poland. I’m a tech nerd in love with computers, especially in free/libre software and its philosophy, but I don’t limit myself to only that. Unfortunately.
Treat this webpage as my personal website. I’ll post here my thoughts about everything from music, literature, computers, some history facts etc. I’ll try to categorize these topics, so if you’ll be interested in reading you’ll be able to see only the things you’re interested in.
The page will temporarily be hosted via external hosting. I would love to do that via my own personal server, but since that’ll be more time consuming I’ll need to find some spare days to take care of it. And since I need to work and learn to keep beign viable on the job market… well, we all know how that is.
To any potential recruiter interested in my personal skills there’s a separate site with my CV on it, naturally censored because I prefer not to share my personal details here. If I’ve applied to your work offer there’s certainly a full CV attached to that.
I think that does it for now. Feel free to contact me, I’m open for that 😉
All best!